Orange Capital Solutions, largest division is devoted to the receivables management of commercial debt. Money owed to companies by companies and individuals. We have specialized in this area, we have developed a national reputation for thoroughness, professionalism, personal account service and, most of all, for superior results.
Different industries have different “norms” of receivables effectiveness by agencies. We consistently outperform these benchmarks, regardless of the industry. We realize that this is a bold claim to make. We can only say, “Make us prove it.” Put us to the test by trying us alongside your best current agency. Give us a fair and equal number of claims, of equal dollar value and “quality”. You’ll discover, as thousands of others have, that we mean what we say. We will out-collect any other firm you care to compare us to.
And that’s not the whole story. You’ll also find that our professionalism in dealing with your customers leaves your hard-won relationships with them intact, so that they may again be valued sources of business for you.
And, our clients also tell us that our detail reporting is the best, most consistent they’ve ever experienced from our industry.
Put us on your team today. Check our competitive rates. Then, round up your seriously past due receivables and submit the claims to us today.
Contact Orange Capital Solutions., for more information.
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